Holiday happenings 2016...
2) On one of the opening nights, we engaged in the delightful experience of A Child's Christmas in Wales, the Dylan Thomas classic play presented by the Shakespeare Theatre of New Jersey. Merriment, music and childlike wonder portraying the simple pleasures of yesteryear grant audience members of all ages a genuine feel-good experience. You cannot help but leave the theater feeling gratified from all the warmth and laughter enjoyed. The show runs through January 1, 2017.
4) As members of the New York Botanical Garden, each season we visit their annual Holiday Train Show. Every year it is bigger and better, exhibiting the wonderment of miniature New York landmarks all made with bits of bark, leaves, onion skin and more. Of course, visitors follow the fleet of miniature trains that travel all around, but just to appreciate the artistry of these nature-made monuments revs up the child in you every time. On display until January 16, 2017.
Got to go... Time to schedule some more family holiday happenings for 2016... xoxo-Sonya