Dip-pity-do da...

by - Saturday, March 09, 2013

Is it time for another cup of coffee? Just like clockwork, that magic hour of two in the afternoon beckons me to the kitchen. Hanging on the refrigerator door, peering mindlessly at the shelves in front of me, I want something, but what? Something sweet... something salty... this has become an essential habit on the days I work at home, so if a snack is inevitable, it really has to be something healthy. Oh, let's just grab the yogurt. I know what I can have...
They say an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Snacking on Doritoes with a pint of sour cream is not cutting it for me anymore. Healthier choices not only satisfy, but they really keep your body on the right track, cut cravings, and boost energy during afternoon slumps. Just three ingredients create a really yummy low-fat snack (or breakfast sometimes) packed with smooth flavor and powerhouse of vitamins.

P.Y.D... Peanut butter Yogurt Dip with Apples

1 tbsp creamy peanut butter
1 6oz container vanilla Greek yogurt
1 apple (I am allergic to any apple that is red, so I usually snack on a Granny Smith)

1) Add the peanut butter to the Greek yogurt in a bowl. Whisk together until completely blended well.
2) Slice the apple. Dip. Enjoy!

There are many variations of this simple recipe. You can use honey or plain Greek yogurt. Giving it an even more decadent spin, whisk in a 1/2 tbsp of Nutella and make a platter of cut fresh fruit slices for a wholesome dessert offering. It's easy to please the kids with this one too!
Oh yeah, it's a dip-pity-do da kind of afternoon... xoxo-Sonya

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