Cat in the cup...

by - Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Looking out the window, everything is so lush and green. The rain was fierce at one point last night, waking us up just before the cat jumped on the bed, soaking wet, in search of some comfort. He was purring profusely and snuggled into the blankets between us. That rainstorm stirred a great deal of energy for Mother Earth to create the color-drenched blanket today.

We always say Kit is one lucky cat. He adopted our family that cold winter eight years ago as a tiny skittish kitten who seemingly wandered into the backyard with his mother. Now he is treated to cozy blankets, "his" chair in almost every room, "people food" for dinner, and regular plantings of his favorite herb - catnip. With Earth Day tomorrow, I am reminded how the cycle of life really is a circle of earth + love + life. What we take in and nurture, thrives in love, and benefits with comfort and peace. It is true of our relationships with people, pets and plants alike.

Instead of leaving his catnip in a plain container this time, might it look pretty in a lone teacup here on the counter near the window? While Kit's special treat grows in abundance, a purpose has been found for the pretty cup and saucer. Oftentimes it is a quiet gesture that brings a smile and acknowledgement of something grander before us. It can spark creativity in numerous ways too.

Cat in the cup... A gift, though small, plants a simple reminder for the cycle of life in the everyday.

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